Wednesday 17 April 2013

South Devon Relocations Transport a Full Size Gorilla!

We've heard some strange requests in our time, but when I heard the answer-phone message saying 'we need a full size gorilla transported to London from Paignton Zoo' I actually thought I was hearing things! Once I had picked myself up off the floor and come to my senses, I soon discovered that we were being asked to transport a full size fibreglass gorilla to London! This sculpture was one of 30 life size gorillas made to bring awareness to The Great Gorilla Project and celebrate the 90th anniversary of Paignton Zoo. The gorillas were distributed to various different artists whose job it was to transform these magnificent sculptures into works of art before they were returned to Torbay for The Great Gorilla Trail set up around the beautiful English Rivera. The gorillas are soon to be auctioned off to raise money for the global support of conservation projects and help protect the most endangered primate species on the planet. Check out these impressive works of art at